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Marc Zimmer's WaterAid Colombia Fundraiser
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Marc Zimmer's WaterAid Colombia Fundraiser
Did you know that 844 million people across the globe don't have access to clean water? In May 2020 I’ll be traveling to Colombia with WaterAid, an international organization dedicated to bringing clean water, toilets and hygiene assistance to the poorest and most marginalized communities across the globe. After several days trekking to the ancient, Lost City of Tayrona, I’ll be visiting and volunteering with WaterAid in indigenous, Wayuu communities in La Guajira, Colombia. For the past 3 years I've served as a board member of Wateraid. I've seen first-hand how my time and money have directly made a life-giving difference in the health, social enablement, and upward enablement of so many people. Please consider making a donation to my page today. Gifts made will directly support the communities in Colombia I’ll be working with on my trip. The Indigenous Wayúu live in dispersed rural and marginalized communities with very limited access to services, where only 16% has access to water and a mere 4% to basic sanitation. Currently, it is estimated that 60% of the Wayúu population suffer from malnutrition and roughly one indigenous child under 5 has died of causes linked to malnutrition every week over the past 2 years. WaterAid is working to change this, and with your help, I’ll be making a real difference in the lives of many on my trip with WaterAid. To learn more about WaterAid’s work in Colombia, visit their website here: