San Jose Childrens Discovery Museum
Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose inspires creativity, curiosity and lifelong learning. Values include: Children--Respect for children & adults who support them, striving to respond to individual developmental needs, learning styles &cultures. Play--Essential to healthy development & lifelong learning. Integrity--Experiences rooted in authenticity, a spirit of discovery & commitment to excellence. Curiosity--Wondering, asking questions, exploring & inventing. Intersections--Multidisciplinary exploration, unexpected insights & new connections. Community--Celebrating people, cultures & discoveries, building global awareness &understanding. Learning--Interactive engagement with ideas, materials, environment, & technology promotes creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving & growth.
Family Giving Tree
Connecting those who can give to those in need with educational support, gifts, and volunteerism.
Akshaya Patra Foundation USA
The Akshaya Patra Foundation's mission is to address the issue of hunger and malnutrition in India by implementing the Mid-Day Meal Scheme. The foundation strives to provide nutritious and balanced meals to school children to support their health and well-being. By doing so, the Akshaya Patra Foundation aims to enhance school attendance, prevent classroom hunger, and promote the education and development of children.The organization currently provides hot meals to 2 million school children every day across India and its mission is to provide meals to 3 million children everyday by 2025.